Everywoman Awards 2023

Yesterday, the company attended the 2023 Everywomen Transport and Logistics Awards with Ionela Tone. Ionela was shortlisted for an ‘Above and Beyond’ award in Warehousing. Although she didn’t bring the award home, it was an incredible occasion to celebrate Ionela and her achievements.        

The Everywoman Awards celebrate women from various industries across the UK, acknowledging their success in fields that were once male-dominated. The Warehousing Above and Beyond category nominees were evaluated by a panel of industry experts. Ionela was assessed based on her character, specific achievements, statistics and her positive impact on the business.

Ionela attended the ceremony accompanied by Danny Earp, the Warehouse Operations Director and Angela Carus, the Managing Director.

In response to Ionela’s award, Angela commented, “We are incredibly proud of Ionela and her achievements over the past two years in her current role. Her dedication and determination to improve those around her are truly inspiring, and we feel fortunate to have her as part of our team.

“Having worked closely with Ionela, she is consistently motivated to perform her job to the best of her ability. 

“As a company, we have an above average percentage of women compared to men in our industry, so it is wonderful to have one of our women recognised and celebrated.”